Friday, March 28, 2014

All good friendships start ... at LexCoffee

John and I have known each other for a few years. It started like all good things do ... at LexCoffee. We would find ourselves sitting down near each other at different tables week after week, and figured we should chat more often since we see other that often. 

We 'progressed our relationship' into sharing the same table at LexCoffee, then eventually to the occasional dining/beverage experience at the local restaurant, the Southern Inn.

My fondest memories of John are notably political and law school conversations at LexCoffee, dinners with the NEST, and most importantly having someone physically present to celebrate the day I received my Green Card.

John, I am sorry to be leaving you as the one-man wolf pack, the lone NEST member in Lexington. Fortunately though, your fiance will make sure that you are never alone if you are in Lexington. More than likely you will be traveling to see her. Congrats on the recent engagement.

I will miss our LexCoffee conversations. Thank you for being a great friend, and being there in person to celebrate my Green Card that 19th day of June. It was a special night for me, and I'm glad I could share that memory with you. Also, thank you for the farewell dinner. And while I am away don't ever talk to people from Maryland hauling a smoker.

I guess I should also thank you for saving me from being BITTEN by a rabid law student.

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