Saturday, April 11, 2015

Lexington, Virginia: The END

Travel Date: Monday, Dec 22 2014

I got up in the morning early. Tyler had to get up work for work early. Ally and TJ were asleep. I said goodbye to Tyler and hit the road. Great to see and spend time with both of them yesterday.

During the drive back to the home base of Lexington, Virginia I reflected on my entire journey. It was a short 50 minute drive, and I was scanning my memory banks for every special moment and experience: from the time I conceived the thought of my travels, the various experiences,and the amazing people I met, and reunited with in Spain and the US.

And no sooner as I ending my reflection, my exit 188B was here.

I drove immediately to Lex Coffee. It was where I went just before I started my US Road Trip.

All good things must come to an end (at LexCoffee). The traveling is over. My road trip across America is done. Now back to reality and getting a real job. Thank you Ali Baba mobile for keeping me safe.

Fittingly, the first person I saw at LexCoffee was Mike (my adopted dad) who I will be staying with until employment begins and I get back on my feet.

Speaking of feet, back at Mike's home, I started taking pictures of my worn out shoes.

They've kept me safe across the Northern part of France to Spain, from the top of Grand Canyon to the bottom and back, the glaciers of Glacier National Park, and the various hikes across the National Parks, Monuments, cities and places across this beautiful country.

I thought Spain was beautiful, and it is. But until I traveled across the United States, from the East Coast to West Coast and back, I'd didn't realize how beautiful the United States of America really is. What's crazy is that I've only dabbled in sporadic popular places. There is so much more of the National Parks and State Parks to see and appreciate.

I plan to do this trip again ... and with someone special when she walks into my life.

Too many to write down here.

For now I just have extreme gratitude to everyone, and everything that got me here. THANK YOU ALL and thank you Mike and Sharyn for hosting me indefinitely until I get back on my feet. You are great parents!

And I plan to continue to blog about my travels, when I go to interesting and new places.

I hope I have convinced you - my readers - to spend more time traveling and experiencing.

Expenses: $38.66
Coffee: $2.82 (LexCoffee)
Beverages: $23.65 (Southern Inn)
Dinner: $12.19 (Salernos)

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